> I'm still wondering about those small kingdoms next to Loskalm.
> What does the "barbarian" refer to. Does it mean they are primitive
> malkioni? Are they pagan? Are they some sort of henotheists in between the
> two?
As far as I know, the "barbarian" ought to be read as "RQ3 Barbarian culture" or "Hill Barbarian", meaning mostly theist Orlanthi types in a pre-feudal or at best developing feudal society. While several have Malkioni overlords (like the Ditali and others in Maniria), native or immigrant, Oranor ought to be quite Orlanthi.
> How much power does this barbarian king have?
Good question. Nothing has been published yet, so all answers will be personal opinions.
Here's mine: Think Holy Roman Empire of Germany. Some kings are really powerful, others struggle to keep their position.
Somehow, Oranor has escaped annexation by Loskalm so far. Unlike Ygg's Isles (whose provocation may have been worse and whose former alliance with the Vadeli may have given an additional religious excuse for the annexation).
The king probably has an important magical function in order to remain in office. Given the population of Oranor (equal to Dragon Pass), his might be a similar role as the King of Dragon Pass, a figure of sovereignty magic rather than house power (although he needs that to start from). This even begs the question whether there always is a high king. (For another comparison, take Anglo-Saxon England with its Bretwaldas.)
> How independent are the nobles (lesser tribal kings?) in his country.
As much as they dare. IMO the king would be lucky if his nobles (princes of tribal federations) were only as unruly as the German magnates.
> Do they have wizards?
> (Doesn't sound very barbarian to me), or just priest and liturgists?
I'm pretty sure they have mercenary wizards or empire-building sorcerers from either Loskalm or Sog City - as outsiders. Compare Aggar with Akgarbash of Laurmal and the City of 10,000 Magicians. Not having the occasional wizard's tower would be missing out on scenarios, really.
Tribal magic ought to be Orlanthi. Not quite Heortling or Alakoringite, but similar enough.
I wonder what their relations are with Erontree. Maybe you could draw slightly on Umathelan conditions?
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