All very true. I like your vision of the place. I think I'll run with it.
> Tribal magic ought to be Orlanthi. Not quite Heortling or Alakoringite,
> but similar enough.
I think I'll have them be westernized, believe in the monomyth (at least parts of it) and have the magic be a strange mixture of full blown theism and veneration of Gods.
Basically Orlanthi who remember the fairly abstract deities of the Celestial Court (including Glorantha herself, I think), with Makan the Creator as the distant top of the pantheon.
> I wonder what their relations are with Erontree. Maybe you could draw
> slightly on Umathelan conditions?
That was the other thing I was wondering about. The big elf-forest right on the border has to effect the state. Parhaps the elves hold a part of the ansver to their continued independense?
Donald on magicians:
> Magical units are elite units so I expect they'll be equipped with
> anything they might find useful. Certainly riding animals unless
> they have another fast mode of transport - I'm sure there's a school
> of Darjiin magicans who operate from moonboats.
Warlocks raining fire down from a moonboat. There's got to be something like that around since the lunars have all the necessary components.
> Bodyguards will be well equipped soldiers of a type related to the
> tradition of the magicans. So the Comet Seers would have a bodyguard
> of Dara Happen style armoured cavalry.
A retinue of cataphracts to protect the seers (who no doubt ride themselves too). Yes, why not.
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