> Peter:
> There's only one small kingdom.
I was also thinking about Junora and Retrint when I wrote the post.
> A hitherto unmentioned source is Player's Book: Genertela
> (p13) which describes Oranoar as not worshipping the
> Invisible God unlike Jonatela next door. Given that we
> already have a kingdom of semi-Malkionized Orlanthi in
> Fronela, I feel that Oranor should be thoroughly pagan and
> this contributed to the estrangement of Oranor from both
> Jonatela and Loskalm during the Ban.
I have a hard time imagining how the people could have managed to hold on to a pure theist faith next to Loskalm and through the heavy Godlearner influense in the area. Thoroughly pagan brings to mind plases like Sartar and Esrolia, and they are propably very different in character.
> >How much power does this barbarian king have? How independent
> >are the nobles (lesser tribal kings?) in his country. Do they have
> >wizards? (Doesn't sound very barbarian to me), or just priest and
> >liturgists?
> There's no source that details this and given Oranor's isolation
> in the ban virtually any social system could have come into
> being. If Oranor does have an organized priesthood then it
> would be far closer to Celtic Druids than Malkioni Clergy.
Now _that_ is an interesting thought!
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