> > >I'm still wondering about those small kingdoms next to Loskalm.
>Me> There's only one small kingdom.
>I was also thinking about Junora and Retrint when I wrote the post.
Junora isn't a unified country but a diverse territory, parts of which still lie within the Ban. It's the perfect place to put Baron Frankenstein's Castle, Gormenghast, or a town of Ogres. You could even place a village of hobbits there and nobody would get too upset. Retrint, I think, is one of the Janubian City states and meant to be developed as the referee intends.
> > Given that we
> > already have a kingdom of semi-Malkionized Orlanthi in
> > Fronela, I feel that Oranor should be thoroughly pagan and
> > this contributed to the estrangement of Oranor from both
> > Jonatela and Loskalm during the Ban.
>I have a hard time imagining how the people could have managed
>to hold on to a pure theist faith next to Loskalm and through the
>heavy Godlearner influense in the area.
The Ban. For almost two centuries, Oranor was cut off from everybody else in the whole world. During that time, numerous other changes occurred in Fronela. Loskalm transformed itself from a typical Malkioni Kingdom into a highly advanced meritocratic society. Before the Ban, solar worship was minimal in Southbank yet a Solar Ruler now runs the place. The Kingdom of War appeared from nowhere. Why should we assume that Oranor continued as it was since time immemorial?
>Thoroughly pagan brings to
>mind plases like Sartar and Esrolia, and they are propably very
>different in character.
Pagan simply means that they do not worship Malkioni religion. East Wilds, Prax, Caladraland and Dagori Inkarth are all thoroughly pagan yet they look nothing like Sartar and Esrolia.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 178
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