I have another question for discussion...
What bloodline does the child of a Humakti belong to?
In the case in question the Humakti has resheathed with his birth clan and is now clan champion. The chief happens to be from the Humakti's original bloodline.
Here's my thinking so far:
If a woman marries a high-status (champion) Humakti in the default Heortling husband and wife marriage (assuming that any other type of marriage would be an affront to his status), do their children belong to her kin, to the chief's household (ex officio -- whoever the chief may be), to the clan in general, or to a bloodline which started with their father and is a little short of people for support?
How do you negotiate such a marriage? I normally expect the formal negotiations to take place between the elders of each bloodline/stead, with help from the clan aunties. In this case I'm guessing that the negotiations would either be handled directly by/with the Humakti (which is not really proper) or through the chief's stead as part of their extended household (without looking too closely at whether this is because of the Humakti's current role or his previous kinship ties).
What sort of career exits are there for in-brought weaponthanes -- not kin of the clan -- apart from dying bravely in defence of the clan? If you can no longer fight and you have no kin, what happens to you? A teaching role might be fine for a certain stage in life, but who feeds and clothes you? Is there an assumption that a weaponthane is able to build up the assets and mana to win the right of stead-founding from the chief and turn into a farmer?
Are Humakti any good as farmers? <grin> We've got one who's brilliant at harvest time, but we try to keep him away from the growing bits of rural life. (He even manages to kill the yeast in the war-band's homebrew. Or maybe he's selecting for really tough yeasts.)
-- Jennifer Geard ------------------------------
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