How does one detect the taint of Chaos? Is there a western saint that wuold have the same chaos detection power as Storm Bull / Urox does?
If, as Peter says, Law is not the polar opposite of Chaos, this get's especially difficult.
I still think there must be something to the duality, since Storm Bull (in the olden RQ-2 days) had Law as a rune.
Basically I'm quite happy if things are so that the taint of Chaos is hard to detect. (Obvious deformities are a clue of course, though they don't necessarily and infallably denote the presense of chaos, and deformed people propably get burned on the stake on occasion.)
If chaos is not obvious then that gives the possibility of people like chaos sorcerers and ogres and the like infiltrating a sorcery academy. Still there should be a way.
The religion of the Invisible God opposes the Devil and Chaos. Do you guys think that the Wizards have ways of detecting chaos? If they do is it a spell or a long and arduous ritual? Parhaps the most powerful wizards (and sorcerers) and detect chaos with a spell or with their symbolic sight (at 10w2 or parhaps 1w3 level), but most have to use methods remeniscent of a witch trial.
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