>Is there a western saint that
>wuold have the same chaos detection power as Storm Bull / Urox does?
I have written one up, for the original version of Sorcerer Knights.
When that book was replaced (or, at least, preceded) by Heroes of
Malkion, which covered a much wider area, there was no longer room for
his inclusion - he'd been a specifically Loskalmi saint - so he's
currently unapproved. The core idea, FWIW, was that all good Malkioni
know that Chaos is, among other things, a perversion of the natural
order of civilisation and an erosion of right-thinking civilised values.
Therefore, while things do indeed jump out of the Dilis Marsh waving
their tentacles and drooling green ichor everywhere (and the Saintly
Order is specifically tasked with running the border forts along this
chaos nest) the Zemuroni believe that you can detect more insidious
forms of incipient chaos by the following signs:
Clearly, anybody behaving in this manner is sliding towards Chaos, and must be stopped! And any good anti-Chaos fighter must act, as far as possible, in the opposing manner, so as to show their disdain for all things Chaotic, and their determination to do Right.
So, yeah, they'll wade knee-deep in slime to slaughter the monsters that come crawling out of the Marsh, but once they've done, they'll go back to their castle, clean themselves up, and compose romantic poetry over a decanter of fine wine and a selection of croissants. 'Cause, you know, that's what any chaos fighter would do, right?
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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