Parhaps it would be time to lay this issue to rest.
In light of Hero Wars / Heroquest one could try to think about the Godlearners in a new way. The term Secret seems to refer to the truths and insights received to people reaching the deepest level of initiation in any (true) magic system.
Basically I don't think Greg's talk about the lost "secret of the Godlearners" means that there is a single idea that was their secret. Nothing in the like of "the world is really X" or "all the gods are Y".
I think the Godlearner's secret is the the secret revelation of their comprehensive magic system, parallel to the Humakti secret of "Death", or the Orlanthi secret of "Be Air".
Given the expressive and flexible Heroquest system we now have, it shouldn't be impossible for us to figure out how their secret would be expressed in HQ terms.
What was the unique thing about Godlearners? I think in the RQ days the referenses were usually made to their heroquesting prowess. Switching gods together, infiltrating cultures and stealing magical secrets. Molding not just the hero-plane but the Godplane to their whim, at least to some extent.
Here's a challenge to us all. Describe the Godlearner's secret in HQ terms as a magical secret. And I don't mean any nonsense like "it's all just a RQ game" or any meta-stuff like that. Let's try to see if we can find what gave them the flavour Glorantha's history seems to have.
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