I think this premise is flawed. They have extensive experience with non-chaotic undead - there are trolls in the area, and as you yourself point out, Delecti's zombies are not chaotic (they are raised by some sort of EWFish sorcery which, while soulless, isn't capital-C Chaotic).
So how does a
> non-chaotic undead (like one of Delecti's zombies or a Zorani zombie)
> register on a Heortling Uroxi's Sense Chaos ability? Does the Uroxi
> register the non-chaotic undead as being chaotic, thus confirming his
> notions that all undead are chaotic and leading him to think that Zorak
> Zoran is a chaotic god and Delecti a chaotic horror, or do the non-chaotic
> undead fail to register on his seses as chaotic, thus confusing him a
> deal and challenging his ideas that undeath must be chaotic?
Fails to register, and doesn't confuse. "Oh, these aren't chaotic undead, these are some other kind."
The people that get upset with Undead are the Humakti (who don't give a busted rubber about Chaos, except as it directly impinges them).
C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du présent a
fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu
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