>What I found out: In the HeroQuest keyword of Teshnos is a short
>description of their otherworld, but I didn't find more information
>about it.
Other sources of Information about Teshnos are the Gloranthan: Intro and HeroQuest Voices, the Teshnan chapter which is available on-line here:
>On which plane might it be located?
Given that the otherworld is plural ("the Fire Realms"), I imagine the Teshnan otherworld is scattered among the sorcerous, theistic and spirit planes but that the Teshnans who have retired have some power to travel directly from one fire realm to another.
>Maybe its found on every plane and every worhsipper is
>going to the appropriate otherworld. Or is an otherworld-
>journey very uncommon in Teshnos?
The nature of the otherside that a Teshnan travels to in worship ceremonies depends on what divinity the Teshnan is worshipping at the time.
>Teshnan believes seem to be tied very closely to the
>mundane world - wealth and success in the mundane world
>are very important things for Teshnans in my oppinion.
The Teshnans are reincarnated and property is inherited among reincarnations. The wealthy of Teshnos are just those that have been reincarnated for a long long time.
>This is also reflected by the choice of Common
>Magic Panethon for this culture.
The reason for making Teshnan religion a common magic pantheon is that Teshnos is what the God Learners would have called a mystical religion. How exactly the magic works at its more advanced stages is not yet known.
>And what about HeroQuests in Teshnos? Are they very
Teshnans have heroes and heroquests just like other Gloranthans. The kingdom has an aversion to random journeys on the hero plane because of what the God Learners did but this aversion is being eroded by the onset of the Hero Wars.
>I wrote
>something that might be called a Teshnan style heroquest and ran it on
>this years Tentacles and it was fun, but it was a very hard task to get
>it "feeling Teshnan" for me. Most examples are clearly Orlanthi style
>quests and they're tied to quests in the god world. And reading the
>concepts in Arcane Lore is for a newbie like me very tough :-)
Teshnan heroquesting is about improving the life flame. It might help to think of heroquesting as a journey of self-discovery and knowledge rather than killing people and taking their stuff.
>There seems also to be a change for heroquests in general: If I read
>older texts there are descriptions of travels into the god world (incl.
>alien world penalties for wizards or animists, etc.), but if I read the
>HeroQuest rulebook chapter on heroquests this restriction seemed gone
>(wouldn't mind if there are heroquests for all kinds of magic users).
That's because the Heroplane is now different from the God World. All magicians now heroquest in the hero plane.
>Is the SkyWorld an otherworld of its own or
>could it be possible that an complete Otherworld is located there
>(sorry, if I'm tossing around with concepts I don't fully understand,
>maybe someone can help) ...
The Sky World is fully infused with the power of the Other Side. When one travels there, one travels to one of the three magic worlds (sorcery realm, spirit world and god plane). Given that Teshnos worship Fire, its fire realms encompasses the Dara Happan sky realm (although a Teshnan and a Dara Happan will see things differently when they travel there). I don't know what the Sky realm looks like in the sorcery and spirit worlds.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 190
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