>Me> The reason for making Teshnan religion a common magic
> > pantheon is that Teshnos is what the God Learners would
> > have called a mystical religion. How exactly the magic
> > works at its more advanced stages is not yet known.
>Now THAT's interesting. I really couldn't quite figure out why it was
>called a common religion, since mixing of multiple otherworlds in a
>pantheon's mythology is hardly uncommon. (i.e. Heortlings have spirits
>as part of their common mythology) The fact that the use of "common" as
>a stop gap for Mystical because adequate mystical rules aren't there yet
>is interesting.
>I presume this is not the case for all common religions, of course.
That's correct. The religions of Donandar and Lanbril are "primal entities" described in MoLaD p45. Other deities included in this concept might be Uleria and the other High Gods of Pelanda.
The Esrolian common religion of Imarja is, I feel, part of the Pharaonic cult (it's the actual land that's being worshipped and the country is said to be Holy). What higher magic the cult could give is moot now with the Pharaoh's disappearance.
Kastly I should point out that there are two "mystical' strands in the Teshnan worship. The native Teshnan religion represented with Gods such as Somash and Solf and the Vithelan religion represented by Vai Mada Sai.
--Peter Metcalfe
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