>>What I found out: In the HeroQuest keyword of Teshnos is a short
>>description of their otherworld, but I didn't find more information
>>about it.
>Other sources of Information about Teshnos are the Gloranthan:
>Intro and HeroQuest Voices, the Teshnan chapter which is available
>on-line here:
Thanky you very much - for all of your answers. I had this source
already aquired. I also found several other sources for Teshnos: Zin
Letters #1, the old GLorantha Box from RQ and several stories from the
web and lots of Digest newsletters from the 90's. I skimmed the Digest
entries only, as they are not as easy to read as a single article.
>>Teshnan believes seem to be tied very closely to the
>>mundane world - wealth and success in the mundane world
>>are very important things for Teshnans in my oppinion.
>The Teshnans are reincarnated and property is inherited
>among reincarnations. The wealthy of Teshnos are just
>those that have been reincarnated for a long long time.
I agree to that. What about the following thoughts- I hope it isn't too
confusing ...
I believe that the Teshnans are very wordly in their believes, especially if they have to master the First Teaching. Their enlightenment is based on Chal's Teachings where I found some hints in the HeroQuest Voices you mentioned. They seem to be a way to behave in the life of every day and how to achive luck and advantages in your life. In Teshnos yout strive for Enlightenment at last, and the way to reach it is hidden but why walking barefoot if you can sit in the soft cushion of a rickshaw. If I take into account, that Teshnos is a rich country, where easy living is important anf no one has to starve and you get cooled down by magically proppeled palm leafs - combined with the Lethargy - is Enlightenment and understanding the mysteries of life still the power that drives the people?
Maybe that's a struggle that is drawing near in Teshnos. The land is secure by its jungle and the spirits within it. There's no need for a large army. So the threat comes from within, less and less people strive for perfection but for easy living. The more Enlightened you are the more rights you have and the more wealth and status you can aquire. What, if it is becoming possible (or is it already) to bribe a priest that he's making false statements about your Life Flame ... incorrectly putting you in another caste. Maybe the Zitr are the only exceptions to this change and they find no more people in the Third caste that are worthy to belong to them. Maybe this is this is, how the time of No-Zitr arrives ...
>>This is also reflected by the choice of Common
>>Magic Panethon for this culture.
>The reason for making Teshnan religion a common magic
>pantheon is that Teshnos is what the God Learners would
>have called a mystical religion. How exactly the magic
>works at its more advanced stages is not yet known.
Will this higher mysteries be revealed in the near future? There was
Mysticism in the HeroWars book.
Do you mean that we've to add Mysticism to the Teshnan religion, or that the Common Magic Pantheon is only the first stage of a pure Mysticism religion? I think that Teshnos isn't a single type of religion, even if we add Mysticism. I think of them as a mixture of all magic systems and that even cults mix magic. A cult mustn' concentrate itself on a single divinity (although such cults exits, too), but more on a view of the world - or better - view on the four worlds. So a lot of Teshnan cults would consist of several kinds of magic instead of a single one ...
>>And what about HeroQuests in Teshnos? Are they very
>Teshnans have heroes and heroquests just like other
>Gloranthans. The kingdom has an aversion to random
>journeys on the hero plane because of what the God
>Learners did but this aversion is being eroded by the
>onset of the Hero Wars.
I think a lot heroquests in Teshnos might be journies or tasks that have
been done by Zitrs or othe Enlightened People. Maybe Enlightening
icludes such quests. But I think they're on a more personal level. Most
of them are quests with a handful of people, no masses needed.
>Teshnan heroquesting is about improving the life flame. It might
>help to think of heroquesting as a journey of self-discovery and knowledge
>rather than killing people and taking their stuff.
I agree. My Quest was about healing infertility (both men and land).
This was a demon that reigned an infertile land and had to be driven out
- not by combat - but by showing intelectual superiority and right
behaviour. I think that demons as source of bad things are very common
in Teshnos.
>The Sky World is fully infused with the power of the Other Side.
>When one travels there, one travels to one of the three magic
>worlds (sorcery realm, spirit world and god plane). Given that
>Teshnos worship Fire, its fire realms encompasses the Dara
>Happan sky realm (although a Teshnan and a Dara Happan
>will see things differently when they travel there). I don't know
>what the Sky realm looks like in the sorcery and spirit worlds.
Are the fire realms for Somash worshippers only, or do you think the
Otherworlds of all gods are within the Fire Realms? Maybe it became his
way, when the path to Enlightement was reduced to a single path - the
path of Chal. Chals was - as far as I remeber - also a Somashi, and the
Somashi rule Teshnos in fact. They interpret the thoughts of Vessel of
Light and distribute the orders thorughout the land. All other temples
must listen to what they say.
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