> >Developing the Kurash story further, as a Lhankhor Mhy Chernan Devotee,
> maybe he becomes the famous
> >Philosopher King that Twerpertain fancied himself to be?
> >There is next to no information on the PK is there? Do we know if the PK
> idea is a firm idea with details or an
> >ambiguous reference?
> Here are some notes on Temertain and his household from the Seattle
> Farmers
> Sartar Rising house campaign:
> The Household of Temertain (circa Earth Season 1613)
> Temertain is without wife or children, so his immediate family consist of
> just himself. .
I thought Temertain was married to a Lunar priestess. I seem to remember it saying in King of Sartar that she was the only one who wept when he died. Didn't she marry someone else in Tarsh afterwards?
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