Jeff Richard:
> > The Household of Temertain (circa Earth Season 1613)
> >
> > Temertain is without wife or children, so his immediate
> family consist of just himself. .
> I thought Temertain was married to a Lunar priestess. I seem
> to remember it
> saying in King of Sartar that she was the only one who wept
> when he died.
> Didn't she marry someone else in Tarsh afterwards?
In Earth season 1613, maybe she hadn't yet shown up? You know, on checking, I can't find any reference to them marrying.
"Temertain, yet uncrowned, proved to be ill fit for leadership. He was far more interested in his studies than in ruling. His specialty was in iron Brithini statuary, and he was delighted when a pretty noble woman from the Lunar Empire chanced to visit Boldhome one day. Temertain was delighted to discover that she had the same exotic artistic interests as himself, and invited her to stay. Her name was Estal Donge, and she was from the city of Durnsa."
Yep. That's her.
"The high holy day of Storm Bull had always been celebrated in Boldhome. .."
And it all goes horribly wrong, and...
"Temertain himself was saved only by the intercession of Estal, the Lunar
But the next mention is her weeping at his death.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 198
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