Rob writes
:Now I know we as modern males may find this kind of coyness laughable, or
:not, however I have a hunch that the typical Heortling male will not
:discuss certain things with women or girls present.
I think you have this backwards Rob. The heortlings live in communal longhouses and keep lot's of livestock. There's plenty of material, in Thunder Rebels for instanse, that makes it pretty clear that children learn about love and sex very early and naturally. It's us modern humansthat are uncomfortable with sex, not the heortlings.
I guess I divert here fromt he canon then perhaps. On 'our' stead the men and women who are married share a house, and the single men and single women share round houses on opposite sides of the long house. I prefer to keep the mystery of the sexes. I am an aurthurian fan, finding great amusement the power of a womans promise can hold over a man. A casual approach to sex between men and women robs some of the fun for me, but perhaps this is a matter of personal taste in gaming style. Truth be told this is not an issue that comes up in games really, and if it did then it would be I guess governed entirely by die rolls and player actions rather than what should or should not be the norm.
From: Alison Place
I know that... [snip] ...young women, and all return together to the welcome of the clan.
I love it, apart from the ending. I have copied the post and saved it on file for reference for a female initiation if I ever plan one.
As I stated before I have both initiations as seperate with no chance of all coming back together - however, if someone plans to run a group initiation then its great.
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