>> I'm not convinced of this difference, I think Vingans are regarded
>> as men in women's bodies by Heortlings.
>Except of course for those who are absolutely, definitely, women and proud
>of it, and their bedpartners (male, and proud of it) are pretty convinced,
>"Doing a man's job" does not mean "being a man" in every sense including
>sexual, even in magical and mythical Glorantha. (I'll ask my husband to
>check, but so far he seems quite convinced that, despite being a computer
>geek, I'm female.)
I'm obviously not getting my idea over properly. I'll try again.
In this part of the RW we define male and female by physical sexual attributes even though there are a small proportion of people who don't physically fit into either and a bigger proportion who are mentally uncomfortable with their physical attributes.
What I'm suggesting is that the Heortlings don't use this definition, they define "male" as followers of Orlanth and "female" as followers of Ernalda. Followers of other cults are shoehorned into that definition as fit best e.g. Chalana Arroy is female because healing is an Ernaldan activity. Another possibility, as Andrew suggests, is that Nandani are regarded as a third sex which would make Vingans a forth.
>Possibly we do need a version/subcult of Vinga that caters for the
>"men in female bodies" idea, and quite possibly some Orlanthi think
>of this as the norm.
Vinga does this quite happily already, it's just few RPGs concentrate on sexual activity so the distinction between "men in female bodies" and "women acting like men" gets lost.
>(Though making them capable of taking the male role in sex sounds
You've not been exposed to enough pornography. :)
>And I think we also need a version of Nandan that's just "men who
>do a woman's job", since that seems to me to be be far more likely
>to happen than full trans-sexuality.
We do, and it's implied in TR pg.12
"...With courage a man can do whatever a woman does; with heart and
training, a woman can be the equal of any man...."
Vinga clearly fits the second part but there seems to be a reluctance to regard Nandan as fitting the first.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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