Mikko writes:
>It may just be the moment, but I'm 99% sure that fits much, much better
>than a compleatly separate initiation for girls, wihout Heort or Hengal.
>I'm even prettty sure I can fish out some support for this from KoS. Let's
Mikko, I think that you should look at what Alison wrote re the girls initiation. For me, that would form the Ernalda initiation rite. Some girls will not go to sleep; will seek to fight back; these are the girls who will meet Hengall and have the chance for finding their star heart and maybe looking into the void!
Note what the later parts of the quest entail. They will require big numbers to overcome the resistance to continue.
Consider what Greg wrote:
A rare individual sees the place where the Devil’s Face appears and most of them then retreat. Some confront the Face and survive, emboldened and empowered far beyond normal humanity. Survivors of the Void are rare, for it dissolves the soul of most who dare to look on it. A survivor of this would have his name added to the list of Second Son, Heort and Harmast.
I am planning to insert the 'I fought we won' component into the part before the confrontation of the Devils Face. This will have a fear resistance of 3, 4 or 5 masteries. To summount this you will need an ability at a very, very high level (for a 14 year old) and augments allied to a great roll by the player and a poor narrator roll.
When one confronts the devils face then the chance of death is real. In fact I say certain. After death he is confronted by the void. Here add another matery or two to the resistance. He who survives is another Harmast, Heort. For an example of facing the void, and the contest thereon you have Newt Newports excellent Hurt of the Land scenario, where we as players faced the void and dissolution of our souls.
The problem that I think we have is that thinking that as the women folk of Ernalda get to go to sleep. How dull. But its not. What is the point of trying to shoe horn steadwives into battles against chaos or whatever? The point of initiation is that the folk face the demons of their world. Seeing all that you love die and turn to ruin is a lot worse in my opinion than going off to the edge of the world to find the secret of the star heart! Food for thought.
I agree though, it rocks yes!
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