>>But seriously - no normal husband and father who
>>weaves, cares for the kids, cooks, and heals?
> That's not the "normal" Heortling male role. Men are the
>masters of the fields and pastures, women are the masters
>of the longhouse and the family. There are exceptions (which
>the Orlanthi are fine with - the Orlanthi are remarkably good
>at finding a useful place for their exceptions), but it is
>not the norm.
OK, so what's the normal place for those exceptions. Given that it's very difficult to survive in Glorantha without all the magics some men are going to need access to "women's" magic. I see Nandan as providing that access but some people seem to want to make it a far more restrictive cult.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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