Donald writes:
>OK, so what's the normal place for those exceptions. Given that
>it's very difficult to survive in Glorantha without all the
>magics some men are going to need access to "women's" magic. I
>see Nandan as providing that access but some people seem to
>want to make it a far more restrictive cult.
Orlanthi men need Ernaldi women. Period. Normal Orlanthi society does not
function without women and their magic. Normal men cannot invoke women's
magic and normal women cannot invoke men's magic (of course, there is much
magic is not gender specific). However, Donald is right - to survive, many
men are going to need access to more magic than Orlanth provides. That's why
most people have common magic, which provides talents, charms, feats and
Folk that don't fit into normal Orlanthi social roles (check out the
Eighteen Occupations) have options - just check out the cults in Storm
Tribe. Does Oddi have anger-management problems and borderline psychosis?
Urox is a good fit for him - we can kick him out of the clan and give him to
the Storm Bull. Does Dorasa swing both ways and is uninterested in marriage?
Yinkin is a good fit for her! Is Eringarn a weak, cowardly boy with a great
mind for remembering things? Send him to Jonstown to apprentice to a Lhankor
Mhy sage. And so on.
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