Re: "Normal" husbands

From: Noel Montealegre <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:51:53 -0500

  OK, let me make the implied word explicit: normal   husband and father who ALSO weaves, cares for the   kids...

  He's male. He's married to a woman. He's fathered   children. He may well work in the fields as well for   all I know. But, whether due to inclination,   talents/lack of, or whatever, his primary role is   nurturing. Nothing as extreme as CA, no sexual   reversal or ambiguity like with Nandan or Heler. Just   a slight shift away from normality.

He's an initiate of Durev and gets healing talents from Flesh Man. He can fight in the fyrd and patch up his buddies afterwards.

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