The focus of the myth is about encountering all sorts of situations and finding ways of dealing with them. Invent those situations as seems appropriate. Sleeping is in some ways the end of the quest; the question is when a candidate decides that it's the right time to sleep because (a) she can see no other way to preserve life/all that is good, or (b) "my work here is done".
I note that I find the stations of what seems to be canonical heroquesting to be a bit unsatisfying, rather like one of those make-you-own-adventure books/games where you have to make choices from a small list of options (oops, I think I've just described KoDP). To me, a serious Ernaldan quest would be largely about coming up with the options rather than choosing from a predetermined list. If there is always another way, one of your key skills is going to be figuring out other ways of responding to challenges.
-- Jennifer Geard ------------------------------
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