> But he can't make pottery using the Bless New Kiln,
> Colour Glaze, or Pattern Firing feats. ...
> Or rather he can do all these things, if he
> initiates to Nandan first.
Exactly. And it seems from the current Nandan description that if he does that, "he" is now "she", and his wife may object. Which seems to me to be going too far. Easy enough to modify the social effects in-game, of course, or to use the usual "everything has local variation" to cover it, but there seems to be a middle line that's gone missing somewhere.
> Conversely, by your argument there was no need for
> Kallyr Starbrow to
> join Vinga: she could just initiate to Orane the
> Steadwife and make
> use of Flesh Man talents such as Hide in Cover, Jump
> Safely and Throwing Stick to attack the Lunars...
ROFL! Be fair, we were looking for a middle way, and trying to *avoid* the extremes. Which I think most of us would agree that she is. And yes, that's "she" is - just ask Rigsdal to confirm it :)
An "ordinary" woman could do that sort of thing, sure. And with Vingan leadership, "inspire non-combatant" feats and so on, she might even be half-way useful. But non-Nandan males trying to weave don't even get that sort of support, do they? Or do they? Is there a "help men be useful" feat hiding in there that I've overlooked?
Jane Williams
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