>As I see it, the HQ initiation sequence goes something like this:
>1. "The Heortling Rites": Heort stuff (possibly the same for both sexes) +
>initiation as a communal worshipper of Ernalda or Orlanth (sex-segregated).
>The Orlanth/Ernalda initiations are described in TR 60. "The Ernalda
>initiation" is actually a generic initiation into the many aspects of the
>Great Goddess. This is the Ernalda initiation you need to have done before
>you can become a Vingan.
Thanks Jennifer, this has cleared my mind over the whole thing. The girls have two initiations over the two weeks. Firstly the Ernaldan Initiation described on page 60 which prepares them for making the right choices in the second which is related to but not the same as the Heort ritual described for the boys. While it could be performed at the same time as the boys one and there might be magical advantages the difficulty is that the boys ritual is described as happening only every five years whereas the girls one is every year.
I'll post my outline of the second ritual separately, I think it answers the question of how a stay at home initiation can be fun.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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