Ernaldan Initiation - a draft outline

From: Donald R. Oddy <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 21:54:15 GMT

My ideas on the Heort part of the Ernaldan initiation. There aren't many contests and those there are don't change the route. The emphasis is on the choices which are meant to be significant - bangs in Forgespeak.

Ernaldan Initiation - Outline

The initiate enters the Hero Plane and finds herself in Heort's stead, all initates are taught what to expect and what the clan women consider the proper choices.

  1. The warriors are leaving to fight the enemy, a favourite relative is going, what gift do you give him?
  2. A cloak to keep him warm. ii) A firepot to help him fend off the dark. iii) A song to uplift his spirits. iv) Food for the journey.
  3. Herbs and bandages in case he is injured. vi) A vision of the future. vii) A symbol of your belief in his ability to protect you. viii) Nothing, for you feel you cannot help him.

All girls learn skills relevant the first five. There is no disgrace in making the last choice - better to give nothing than something of poor quality. vi and vii are unusual choices and probably significant.

2. The warriors are gone but you know the enemy are all around, in

	what order do you hide the following?
	i) The grain stores.
	ii) The children.
	iii) The livestock.
	iv) Precious objects such as gold and jewelry.
	v) Yourself.

This is a tricky choice, what you hide first is least likely to be found by the enemy, that hidden last probably will be. Equally anything not hidden before yourself will certainly be found. Choosing yourself first is taken as an indication that you are not ready for adulthood and should take the path of Voria.

3. Darkness creatures are attacking but the menfolk haven't returned,

	what do you do?
	i) Remain hidden trusting in Ernalda.
	ii) Grab a spear and call the other women out of hiding to fight.
	iii) Respond to the call to fight if it is made.

Girls are taught that they should make the first choice, the others carry a risk of injury or even death. Whatever your choice the menfolk arrive in time to drive off the enemy, usually one item is seized by the enemy. The menfolk recover it but the item lost will influence the initiates life.

4. The warriors apologise for leaving you undefended and promise it

	won't happen again. Do you
	i) Accept the apology and promise.
	ii) Insist it won't happen again or they won't be welcome back.
	iii) If you took up a spear, refuse the apology and claim you 
	can protect the stead without their help.

Either of the first two are acceptable responses, the third claim is over the top and commits you to fighting next time.

5. The warriors again leave but this time Elmal remains, he is

	patronising to any women who fought last time. Do you
	i) Flatter and be especially nice to him so that he'll make 
	sure you're safe.
	ii) Ignore his attitude, he's not doing it to you.
	iii) Ignore his attitude, responding would be beneath you.
	iv) Answer him back, you're as good as he is any day.

The last choice will commit you to fighting next time. All the others are reasonable although iii is slightly preferred.

6. Chaos attacks but the menfolk haven't returned, do you

	i) Hide
	ii) Assist Elmal as best you can with healing, bringing weapons, etc.
	iii) Fight alongside Elmal

i is the expected response, ii is an indication of Enferalda.

7. No matter what you do chaos overuns the stead, do you

	i) Accept Ernalda's embrace, trusting her as you fall asleep.
	ii) Fight until  you are beaten unconscious.
	iii) Take up the copper axe nearby which gives you a lust for 
	the fight and you ignore injury to keep going.

i is the expected response, don't suffer needlessly. ii is the Vingan response, this is one of the defeats Elmal taunts Vinga about, she knows that it wasn't a real defeat as she survived. iii Babeester or Maran Gor, initiates are warned that this choice means sacrificing a normal life but at times some find it attractive.

8. The warriors return to a devastated stead and drive off the attackers. A wind lord takes the role of Orlanth to rewaken the women - this is the risky bit, if he fails the initiates don't rewaken and remain in the hero plane sop clans are very careful to ensure a strong and capable wind lord is among the clansmen present. Clans who have converted to the Lunar way have either found an alternative protector or the women secretly find a wind lord for this purpose.

Comments? Other ideas?

Donald Oddy


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