> I note that I find the stations of what seems to be canonical heroquesting to
> be a bit unsatisfying, rather like one of those make-you-own-adventure
> books/games where you have to make choices from a small list of options
> (oops, I think I've just described KoDP). To me, a serious Ernaldan quest
> would be largely about coming up with the options rather than choosing from a
> predetermined list.
You realy need to play, or sit in on a heroquest run by Greg - scratch that, EVERYBODY needs to do this. It's totaly different to how I imagined it.
You'd think that because you know the 'stations' of a heroquest that it would be relatively easy to know what you're supposed to do at any given time - but this is definitiely not so. Greg throws in all sorts of distractions and red herrings. He substitutes alternative actors for key characters in the quest. You're never quite sure if you're using up your best magic at the right point or not, or even what point you're at. The stations done't even always come up in the same sequence.
Even for quests you think you know very well, it's extremely dissorienting and downright terrifying. I don't see any reason why initiation quests should be immune from this treatment, especialy with the Hero Wars coming up.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 212
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