>Interestingly, I believe the normal Heortling WIFE Healer (HWHn)
>actually defers to those Nandan devotees. Once she drops the first
>kid it's goodbye Heal People and Heal Relationships affinities, hello
>Bless Childbirth and Bless Mothers.
>This is something no Nandan Devotee Everywoman Shaped Like a Man
>(NDESLaM) ever has to worry about. They can remain healers with
>healing magic all their lives. Only Chalana Arroy stands in the way
>of total Nandan Healer domination.
Except there aren't that many Nandani, the average is probably something like one per clan. Nor are they all healers.
I don't think that the birth of the first child automatically switches the mother to the Mahome or Orane subcults. Childcare in Heortling society is a communal activity so while each stead will have several women from those subcults they will also have a representative of most of the other subcults. There's nothing unusual in a woman concentrating on using her skills while a sister-in-law looks after their children.
>>Conversely, by your argument there was no need for Kallyr Starbrow to
>>join Vinga: she could just initiate to Orane the Steadwife and make
>>use of Flesh Man talents such as Hide in Cover, Jump Safely and
>>Throwing Stick to attack the Lunars...
>True, but for some reason she heard the call of Vinga instead. Also
>Kallyr doesn't have children (that we know about) so she probably
>isn't eligible for any Allmother cult. Anyway she's not a steadwife.
I suspect this suggestion was an exaggeration to make a point rather than a serious possibility.
That point is that there are good reasons why a women may need to take a man's role and equally good reasons why a man should take a woman's role.
Imagine a group of male PCs having to take a small child on a journey in secret - maybe the child is the only known heir to the Kingdon of Sartar so they can't trust anyone else. If common magic was enough there'd be no call for women's magic so I reckon one of the men has to become a Nadani temporarily.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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