Further in the same paragraph "If duty or the goddess take a mother elsewhere, away from this daily task, then she must effectively abandon her child to perform her job." I don't interpret abandon too literaly here, in most cases it's no different from a modern woman leaving her child with family while she goes out to work. Probably less common but that's because Heortling society places a high value on child care. At any one time I'd estimate about half the women in a stead are caring for children with the other half doing other jobs. It's not as if most of those jobs can't be done while keeping an eye on the children.
>Wouldn't it be just as interesting for the warriors to figure out how
>to care for the child with their totally inappropriate skills and magic?
>imagine: "The warband knew this would be a tough mission when
>the child insisted on a demonstration of Leap Onto Dragon.
>Fortunately she was mollified by Fly Carrying Additional Weight."
All great fun, but the "bless family" affinity is going to be necessary for survival.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 215 ******************************************
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