:>If common magic was enough there'd be no call for women's magic so I
:>reckon one of the men has to become a Nadani temporarily.
:Wouldn't it be just as interesting for the warriors to figure out how
:to care for the child with their totally inappropriate skills and magic?
I must say I'm not compleatly happy about the Heroquest take on magic. All too commonly the feats (and spells) are named after quite normal skills the individual should have anyhow.
And the implications (discussed here) that a man would be useless doing pottery, for instanse, because he doesn't have access to things like "color glaze". For crying out loud what about actual learned skill and craft? Most people are initiates and not devotees anyway, so the magic only gives a (puny) bonus to their skills.
The Yinkini cult writeup is a typically unsatisfying one. Many, if not most, of the "feats" sound like things the cultist should be able to do anyway. More like mundane skills than magic. And most Yinkini _are_ devotees, apprently.
PS. I'm also not happy with the strange idea that the Shadow Cats seem to have been bred like dogs into distinct breeds. How exactly is that supposed to happen with the scores of cats leading their own busy lives on the tula. Doesn't much sound like a thing the Orlanthi would appreciate anyway. Too much making the cat be a medieval noblemans dog in the writeup for me. (Yes, there was an "explanation" about Yinkin's sons offspring. That's still how it looks and feels).
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