> However, note that one of Kallyr's supporters is a certain "Heortling
> Steadwife" and "initiate to Enferalda". (I leave her unnamed for
> possible spoiler purposes.)
I'm not sure why - her name and stats are in OiD and GT. Had you realised her magic is stronger than Kallyr's?
> Apparently, Kallyr is mentoring a young
> woman, showing her (unnamed) how she (Kallyr) would do it if she
> (Kallyr) could do it all over again. We will know for sure when
> future publications list her (unnamed) as an initiate of Orane with
> the Throw Stick talent.
That's a really interesting idea. And I almost wish I'd heard of it before I put quite so much work into turning Ernaldesta into a completely different character. I'll look out for this young Orane initiate you mention, though, she may well be around somewhere.
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