Well, first off, it seems that Greg's written the female initiation rite now, but the discussion is still interesting. (And there must be a HQ similar to this one, even if not an initiation.)
> If the girl follows the recommended choices, it isn't dangerous
> unless something goes badly wrong. I reckon it's seriously scarey
> though, she's trusting Ernalda with everything even when the
> menfolk let her down.
I'm sure all HQs are scary, even if you are sure you are doing them correctly, true. It strikes me that this HQ would have more emotional than physical repercussions.
> They are indicators of which subcult the girl is likely to take. I
> see all girls having at least some experience with the first five
> before initiation. As we're on the Hero Plane I'd regard the
> ability as the particular item. Alternatively they could be told
> to bring their best work.
Do you think they know which represents which? It somehow seems like cheating to me if you know which buttons to push to get your subcult. :-)
> I'm vaguely thinking that providing something of poor quality
> (contest failure) results in some harm to the man. Ernalda
> doesn't expect everyone to be good at everything but failure
> has its consequences.
Hmm.. So even if you want to pick your cult, your actual ability is more important, because the choice would have consequences. I like that.
> There probably should be more, and I expect players will find some
> more. I'm just trying to give the narrator enough to handle what
> gets thrown at them.
Yeah, that's sort of what I thought.
(Why the men have to get back in time?)
> Because the individual girl's actions haven't enough influence, the
> clan elders make sure this happens. It's certainly a point at which
> any enemy could disrupt the quest.
True. And I suppose there are things that just seem to have to happen mythically.
> It defines the woman's personality, more a choice for the player
> than the character. Probably more alternatives would help here,
> it should definitely create a personality trait on the character
> sheet.
That makes some sense. I would definitely add more choices in that case.
> Again it's character and relationships with the clan Elmali rather
> than direct consequence in the HQ.
I think EVERYTHING is direct consequence in an HQ. Who you befriend, how you act, all should have some sort of carry over. And if you are going to have one that is a direct Elmali cult interaction thing, you almost have to offer similar choices for some other cults, I would think. Orlanth at the very least. Some of the Thunder Brothers maybe? Mind you, if this is being retooled as something that isn't an initiation quest, then it just being about relationship to Elmal is fine.
(hiding again)
> I didn't want to repeat stuff, there is already quite a bit to
> get through.
Fair enough.
> Sleep doesn't really make sense at most of the others and I'm
> reluctant to make it an option too early.
I see that, but it does seem that the option should be more omnipresent. When to sleep seems to be an important part of understanding this HQ. Not sure how to fix it to my liking right now, though.
<Wind Lord>
> Possibly, although they're usually wanderers. I think this is the
> one point were the clan gets the best person possible as if they
> fail the clan has several daughters lost on the hero plane.
Fair enough. I just can't justify requiring a Wind Lord. (Preferring, sure.) Even wandering, I just can't see them getting there for this all the time. I suppose if the clan was doing an initiation of a whole year's worth of girls at once, it might make sense.
This part is moot, of course, since this isn't the actual initiation. If we take this as another HQ, then I'd probably remove this requirement unless the quest is supposed to be tremendously powerful, in which case participation of someone like a Wind Lord would be appropriate.
> I
> envisage that although there are several girls doing the same
> things at the same time they can't actually see each other and
> what choices they're making.
I certainly believe that you are effectively alone in the quest.
> Some further thoughts are that this
> is one of the ways the Lunars convert clans - they find an
> alternative husband protector and prevent an Orlanthi taking the
> part.
Whoever wakes the girls has power over them/is the husband/protector mythically? That's an interesting idea.
> I picked it to match the men's quest which involves going off and
> fighting. Yes it's dark although the ending is normally a great
> party to celebrate Ernalda's return to life. But that explains why
> Heortling women tend to be cold bloodied about the important things
> - marriage, children, crops etc.
I like that logic about the cold-bloodedness. It seems, however,from Greg's recent QnA, that the actual inititation quest is a bit different.
I still think this is a great HQ in general, perhaps for some other power. (What might one gain by this particular quest if it isn't simply an initiation?)
The Son of Kallyr.
> Crikey Charles - thats a bit of a spoiler!!! Thats not necessarily suppoesed to be common knowledge is it?
Confirming that, are we? :-)
Eh. I really don't care about spoilers. I'd rather have the whole metaplot in broad strokes and then GM it from there. It's just annoying to make decisions based on play and THEN find out that you've invalidated something that might have been a cool idea and is official canon.
Why? It improves odds for survival certainly, but I wouldn't say it is "necessary".
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 216
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