I think I'll be able to reconcile the two, and hopefully address Jane's point of what's a narrator supposed to do with it.
>I'm sure all HQs are scary, even if you are sure you are doing them
>correctly, true. It strikes me that this HQ would have more emotional
>than physical repercussions.
Which is what I see an initiation HQ as doing.
>> They are indicators of which subcult the girl is likely to take. I
>> see all girls having at least some experience with the first five
>> before initiation. As we're on the Hero Plane I'd regard the
>> ability as the particular item. Alternatively they could be told
>> to bring their best work.
>Do you think they know which represents which? It somehow seems like
>cheating to me if you know which buttons to push to get your
>subcult. :-)
Of course they're cheating, it's far too important not to. The initiate tries to influence the quest to go the way they want, while the elders try to influence things to go the way they think best for the clan. There's no certainty either will get their way. There may be a cult which insists on not influencing HQs as best the questor can, but I'm pretty sure it ain't Ernalda.
>> I'm vaguely thinking that providing something of poor quality
>> (contest failure) results in some harm to the man. Ernalda
>> doesn't expect everyone to be good at everything but failure
>> has its consequences.
>Hmm.. So even if you want to pick your cult, your actual ability is more
>important, because the choice would have consequences. I like that.
>From a gaming point of view I'd let the player boost an ability
at chargen and spend a hero point if they wanted to make sure
they succeeded.
>> Again it's character and relationships with the clan Elmali rather
>> than direct consequence in the HQ.
>I think EVERYTHING is direct consequence in an HQ. Who you befriend, how
>you act, all should have some sort of carry over. And if you are going
>to have one that is a direct Elmali cult interaction thing, you almost
>have to offer similar choices for some other cults, I would think.
>Orlanth at the very least. Some of the Thunder Brothers maybe? Mind you,
>if this is being retooled as something that isn't an initiation quest,
>then it just being about relationship to Elmal is fine.
The relationship stuff is going to get some major changes as a result of Greg's article. In one sense Elmal is a symbol of all those men of whatever cult who think women should stick to women's tasks.
>> Some further thoughts are that this
>> is one of the ways the Lunars convert clans - they find an
>> alternative husband protector and prevent an Orlanthi taking the
>> part.
>Whoever wakes the girls has power over them/is the husband/protector
>mythically? That's an interesting idea.
Not so much has power over them, Ernalda would laugh at the suggestion Orlanth has power over her. I think it does have an influence in who they see as protector and who they'll choose for a husband.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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