Who may have put "Kallyr is my aunt" in their 100 words.... They do, you know. I've been advising them on possible relationships, when asked, for years - and edging them away from being secret children of hers, knowing it would eventually clash.
> I view the entire series as one book (which it will
> be, some day) and am
> presenting (too slowly, I know) as such.
You really are going to have to find another 24 hours per day, you know. At least. And devote all of it to Glorantha, naturally. If only HQing could do that sort of thing in this world... still, the nearest they got in Glorantha was the Sunstop, and that was quite hard work.
> >> So it's somewhat annoying to find that although
> >> I'm STILL bound by a NDA not to talk about it,
> some
> Anone who ans to know the secrets can do like anyone
> else: join the GTA.
I'm not objecting to you having secrets (I've kept them for five or six years, after all!), only to being confused by what still is one and what is apparently now public knowledge (to those who were in the right place at the right time).
> If scenarios were written to try to
> cover all eventualities
> they'd never get done, and would have so much
> useless information that no one would buy them.
Hmm. How small can I squash it?
"Danar is Kallyr's son by XXXX. No, they are not lovers, though there may be rumours to that effect. The only people who know this are..."
Then drop some of the stuff about which bit of Dara Happa he was brought up in. And add the date when they met. I bet we could have got the word-count the same.
Jane Williams
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 221
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