>I view the entire series as one book (which it will be, some day) and am
>presenting (too slowly, I know) as such.
Of course that would be a much better format. A single "Sartar Rising" book, a single "Imperial Lunar Handbook", a single "Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribes" 8.5X11 book (not sure about this one though). Things would be much clearer. Again I guess money is the real issue here. It is always diheartening to see so many published games releasing almost monthly hardcover, glossy paper and color books while a world of proportions like Glorantha is battling to survive.
>For everyone who wants to know everything all at once beforehand, I can
>only say, "Sorry." I'm not doing it to frustrate you, and I beg your
>patience and support and understanding.
I just realised lately that the reason I feel so paralysed about a yet to start Gloranthan campaign is the amount of stuff I feel I should know and yet don't. I sometime have the feelings the years (of history) to come are already written (so to speak) and that as a GM, I have no clue about it. What is the fate of the Lunar Way? How will Tarsh be changed in the years to come? How will the Yelmalio cult evolve in the near future? For most of the settings, that kind of questions is irrelevant because I fel in control of the story. Glorantha is so rich and so alive that "being in control" seems to be beyond me. Glorantha evolves, Glorantha lives and Glorantha is. By itself. It doesn't need me... While in the 80's and 90's I felt I could control the setting like any other, I know feel it is Glorantha who should dictame me what to do. Maybe I should cut all links with the official stuff (including the lists where people way more knowledgeable than me remember me every day, although unknowingly, how little I know about the world) and take back ownership of my Glorantha.
>Anone who ans to know the secrets can do like anyone else: join the GTA.
All the secrets are there?
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