A blurb about Entarios the Supporter - Dark Season 1613
This is from a Colymar priestess' point of view, but shows the rise of
Entarios to prominence amongst the earth priestesses:
A Malani priestess named Entarios the Supporter was at the Clearwine Earth
Temple Loom Day ceremonies. She had been married several times, each time to
chiefs or kings, in year-marriages. She challenged the leaderless
priestesses in a contest of Ernalda's favor. Kaylin the Seer was the only
one who stepped up to her challenge, but Entarios clearly showed that she
had Ernalda's favor. She hated the Empire, but hadn't supported the
rebellion. Entarios asked the Seer to read her omens. Kev revealed a
prophecy: "Every man you back shall win his battle or quest." Entarios gave
Kaylin gifts, concluded the Loom Day rituals, and then returned to
Greenstone. She said she would be back when Ernalda told her to.
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