In message <> Jane Williams writes:
>> It sounds like I've missed something basic in the rules about
>> applying magic to others. All the rest of what you write makes
>> sense if I can get this aspect sorted.
>> Could you fill me in on how you augment someone else with a feat
>> like "Bear heavy burden" or "Ignore pain"? I'd assumed that
>> when you augmented _you_ were using the feat in a way that might
>> help someone else, not that you could throw the feat to others
>> so _they_ could do it.
>This may be one for the rules list - but I've always assumed that
>any feat *can* be cast on anyone else. Some only make sense in that
>context - most of the Healing ones, for instance. Generally your
>average selfish person won't do any such thing, but the fabled
>"SWAT Team" approach to combat rather relies on casting things to
>enhance strength, sword skill, etc, all on one person. You all have
>to pick different feats, you can't stack five "Mighty Blow"s for
>instance, any more than under RQ you could stack Trueswords, but
>cast on another person - sure!
I think that "SWAT Team" approach is a bit gamist particularly if
different cults are involved. Would an Uroxi really cast Berserk
on an Elmali? or a Vangarthi make a Humatki fly?
On the other hand an Enferaldan is probably going to be doing
little else, maybe singing to distract someone from pain or
make them feel better about the burden they're carrying. Up to
the player really, any plausable explanation for how their
using the feat would help the target.
It's the same with wyters, they're often going to be augmenting
Donald Oddy