>> Greg is, I think, responding in this quote to a question that
>> boils down to 'what if we're playing Lunars in the Sartar Rising
>> arc?' Well, the answer is 'you're not going to get specifically
>> supported', and that seems perfectly reasonable to me.
>And to me. That would be just too far.
I agree, but feel the need to plug something that I would like to see more of in the series. Namely, information that one can apply to games set outside of Dragon Pass. I know that sounds like I didn't read Greg's post, but I did and for the most part I agree with him. I just think more could be done to help the books appeal to the many narrators who aren't running the Sartar Rising story arc. Every sale is important, after all. The most useful thing for me in Orlanth is Dead, for example, was the all too brief discussion of the effects of Windstop outside of Dragon Pass. Likewise, there was a short discussion of foreign influences on the Ship Raising in Gathering Thunder. Very interesting, but a even a little more detail would have been gratefully received. Because of this, I am worried that Dragonrise won't tell me anything I don't already know about the effect of the Dragonrise on the Lunar Empire, much less other parts of the world. This would be a lost opportunity, since it will be a long, long, long t ime before the events of this series (Windstop, Ship Raising, Dragonrise) get told from other points of view. If ever.
~Kevin McD
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