I *want* the story arc right in there from the beginning, so I can foreshadow it, get all the NPCs lined up in the right places, put minor relationships and bits of knowledge in there long before they're needed, and above all, refrain from accidentally contradicting it.
I think the key here Jane is that, and here I am merely postulating a theory, Greg has a grasp on where he wants the story to go, but other people write it. To have put it all down first would constrain those wonderful creative writers like Merlin Cox, Mark Galeotti, Chris Lemens, Martin Hawley, you!, etc etc etc. etc....
Hence because of the way Issaries works we get a continual development of the story from a variety of contributors, all edited by Greg. Thus, I suspect if we haven't been told it, part of the (dare I say real) reason we don't have all the details is that it is still a work in progress.
Also, the whole Danar thing; I'd love it if my players think they are lovers. Think how great it is when they find out the difference. The only problem being if the GM had Kallyr tell the players he was her lover. But if so, change it! YGWV is liberating, use it. I know its frustrating for you writers, but I contend not so acute for us GM's and players. I stand to be corrected of course.
And Jane, as for asking about using the Sartar Rising books to generate a Lunar Game, well, I think you must be spending too much time with Nick Brooke!!! Long live SARTAR THE BRAVE and down with the SHEPELKIRTIAN SCUM!! Ahhh, I feel better now! :-D
Best regards
Surprises for the
GM, by all means, but not in the major plot thread. There *will* be
surprises, unless the whole of Book 3 is included in Book 2, and the whole
of that in Book 1. But in any case, I don't buy supplements for surprises as
such, I buy them for the descriptions, the plot ideas that I wouldn't have
thought of, the minor NPCs - the detail, rather than the skeleton.
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