(odds of dying)
> Sorry, can't help. I'm just trying to make the point that even a very low
> chance of dying (in terms of clan survivability) is pretty scary when
> applied to you, personally. Much nicer odds have scared people off eating
> raw eggs, British beef, and driving without a seatbelt (picking the nearest
> examples to come to mind)
All too true. You are right, just the fact that the real (even if fairly remote) possibility of not coming back exists, that will keep the threat present in the mind.
> "Try", yes. I don't *think* it's a spoiler (more of an appetite-whetter) to
> say that in Dragonrise, we're trying hard to correct this.
> And when we asked who was following as published, didn't we get a resounding
> silence? Or rather, a list of just *how* everyone's doing it different?
That was certainly my recollection.
> There's also the Ernalda subcults, many of whom are daughters of Ernalda and
> married to someone other than Orlanth. I'm not sure if this applies at this
> level of initiation, or whether it comes later, or what?
Interesting. I wonder if one might encounter one's mythic husband first, and thus receive a clue as to your likely subcult? An idle thought, I haven't worked it through and I've got about a week of these to catch up on. :)
> > Nope. Certainly not me. At least, I don't remember any discussion that
> > even got considered for adoption by officialdom.
> Possibly we should look back at it, polish it, and suggest it?
Hell, I'd have to find it again. Are you thinking of the "multiple efforts through time" idea?
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