> Hell, I'd have to find it again. Are you thinking of the "multiple
> efforts through time" idea?
No, though that was a good one.
I was thinking of the conversation that went something like this:
"Why did they start that stupid fight that got Danar killed, anyway? Is Kallyr a completely irresponsible Uroxi-style idiot, or what?"
"Because it got them thrown off the Ship at the right place to meet the Dragon."
"So? If you want to get off, just jump!"
"Maybe you can't...?"
"That's an idea. That would give us the explanation we need. OK, so why not, and how does it work?"
I think what we had was some magic put up during the voyage so as to stop deserters. We needed a loophole or two so as to allow for the various people who did in fact leave the Ship during fights. I'd need to look up details, but that was the rough idea.
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