> Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_yahoo.co.uk>
> OK. Noted. I'm not sure if we can do a lot about this
> in the Dragonrise, but noted. Where else do people
> game - Prax?
Honestly, I wouldn't limit it that way. (I realize you may have to.) Who will be affected by the Dragonrise outside of Dragon Pass? That's the only thing that needs to be discussed. It may be a true Dragon rising will spread as a story, but have no real effects outside of the immediate area. (Although the damage to the Lunars makes me think there will be consequences elsewhere.)
> Come to think of it, me too.
Same here. That and some of the NPCs.
> You particularly want the Lunars? OK. I have no idea
> what effect it would have, myself, but I'll pass that
> on (I'm not sure Merlin's reading this list, so I'll
> forward the comments).
Well, the Lunars ARE the only other group we know off hand it *has* to have some kind of effect on.
> Putting in a short paragraph on general overall
> effects shouldn't be hard to fit in, it's getting it
> *right* that will be hard.
But of course.
(And, it's not like you all don't have all our brains to pick for
suggestions. :-) )
Tim Ellis:
> Also the relationship of Reader::Novel and Viewer::TV Programme is a
> much more passive one than GM::RPG Scenario
Hear hear.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 230
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