> "Why did they start that stupid fight that got Danar killed, anyway? Is
> Kallyr a completely irresponsible Uroxi-style idiot, or what?"
> "Because it got them thrown off the Ship at the right place to meet the
> Dragon."
> "So? If you want to get off, just jump!"
> "Maybe you can't...?"
> I think what we had was some magic put up during the voyage so as to stop
> deserters. We needed a loophole or two so as to allow for the various people
> who did in fact leave the Ship during fights. I'd need to look up details,
> but that was the rough idea.
Maybe the entire thing is like many HeroQuests, in that there are fixed stations? The story of the ShipRise (or maiden voyage, or Anaxial's Ark) has the launch, and the attacks by other forces. Then it has ports of call perhaps? And a trip to the Underworld.
Kallyr figured out that such a journey should get them close to the Dragon, but nothing about leaving. (Well, it was probably Purple who figured this.) Hell, this might explain why it is Anaxial's ship. That one gets you closest. (Although I still think it is Anaxial's ship primarily due to Danar's and Penendros's needs.)
Maybe there is a magic about deserters, but a part of the story about saboteurs/disruptive influences? So you can get thrown off, or leave at a given port, but you can't actually just jump ship?
The other possibility is that deserting the ship lands you somewhere, while being THROWN off the ship strands you on Dragon Isle. Different destinations depending on why/how you leave.
The final question there is what was Danar going for? Was his goal just raising the ship? Or was he supposed to stay on it long enough to do something involving Penendros? Or did he, too, have to visit the Dragon?
After all, he does get involved in the fight, but maybe he wasn't supposed to?
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