Perhaps the fight is part of the myth Kallyr is trying to follow ? Minaryth's speech might be part of that, or it might be that Minaryth and Kallyr believe that SOMEONE is going to be ambushed and want to be the ones who start the fight rather than risk being the ones who get attacked. Minaryth IS expecting a quick intervention from some quarter.
My guess would be that either Kallyr expects to be able to beat the crew and seize the Ship (perhaps based on the story of Vendeni ?) or expects the fight to go differently (perhaps the crew are "meant" to subdue the attackers and then maroon them ?).
Thinking about this, it seems to me that it would have been good to supplement the scenario with a description of the Hero Quest itself. Certainly including notes on the expected course of events (and how the expectations of Kallyr, Minaryth and Danar differ from the actual course of events). It would be even better if we had some information on another variant or two such as the version Andrega Silverflame is following.
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