>Someone also asked:
>"While answering this, could someone also say what Orlanth was
>supposedly doing while outlawed? Which subcults would have their major
>myths from this period?"
>How about this? "This is the time of Ernalda's "other guardians". She got
>many strong gods to defend the Vingkotling peoples, and forged alliances
>with small gods to join them to the tribe. Here is a partial list of her
>temporary husbands: Elmal the Bright, Heler the Shaggy, Vestkarthen of the
>Deep, Dojor the Black, Delan the Strong, and Dashing Veradash."
Which would make a mythic preceedent for Ernalda taking other husbands while her husband is outlawed. I sometimes wondered about Ernalda's multiple husbands and how this was reconciled with Heortling views on adultery. This could be it - outlawry breaks the marriage bond. I suspect the convention is year marriages rather than anything longer lasting which would avoid problems if the outlawry is revoked.
>So while I don't know what Orlanth was up to (sulking in a bar?),
>Ernalda was doing a lot!
Probably shagging any goddesses he could find - this will be his Destor aspect - wandering the world. Unless there's another subcult of Orlanth the outlaw.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 241 ******************************************
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