I don't remember that wording at all.
Another little sub-word-count snippet, then:
"caused Orlanth to be outlawed..... While Orlanth was gone, kinstrife rocked the Storm Tribe. Finally, Vadrus killed Barntar, who stayed dead. This was the first true death in the kinstrife."
> Similarly, I
> thought it was in avenging Barntar that Orlanth used a
> wrestling throw in his duel with Vadrus, so that
> Vadrus remained twisted ever after.
If so, it isn't stated in *this* myth. This is concerned with Vadrus being deposed and replaced by Valind, who Orlanth fondly imagined might be an improvement :(
The details may well be given elsewhere, of course.
> > Can you define the dynasty as kin-slayers? That's
> > Vadrus' defining sin in this myth.
> Well, not legally. Metaphorically, maybe. Certainly
> the Tarshite royals act like they are our kin -- they
> know our customs, speak a related language, and in
> general behave a lot like us except they are fooling
> around with Chaos and have exiled Orlanth.
I suppose "part of the Storm Tribe" might be close enough. Vingkotlings, in the myth. And metaphorically/mythically is what you want, here, legal niceties are irrelevant.
> The only thing I could add: The Helamakt writeup in TR
> says that Heler took the name Helamakt when he went
> looking for the exiled Orlanth and helped him fight an
> enemy. So for Sartarite Orlanthi, it's possible that
> seeking Orlanth in exile is sort of the "founding
> myth" of the Helamakt subcult. Note that the Helerings
> have a different mythic origin for Helamakt (given in
> _Storm Tribe_).
And I see he's one of those temporary husbands, too.
> I think in Seattle Farmers we have assumed that
> Orlanth is Ernalda's year-husband. He typically gets
> his contract renewed, but obviously couldn't while he
> was in exile.
Makes sense to me.
> According to the writeup of the Niskis subcult in TR,
> Dashing Veradash _was_ Orlanth, in disguise. So it's
> true that he boffed every goddess he could get his
> hands on, including his own once-and-future wife.
That's typical! Though you have to remember that Ernalda did the same sort of trick on him at times.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 242
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