Year marriages and Orlanth

From: Jeff Richard <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 09:28:05 -0700

>>* That is not my assumption. I think they are an example of

*>>* "Husband and Wife," where both participants have equal
*>>* property, status, and responsibility.
*>How is that necessarily impossible in a Year-Marriage?
 Personally, I think that the seven classes of marriage are part of Heort's laws, not the laws of Vingkot or Orlanthandrin. Orlanth and Ernalda established and sanctified the Marriage Oath, but not the form of the marriage, where the property goes, whose clan the children belong to, etc. As a result, I think that it is anchronistic to say that Orlanth and Ernalda had a Year-Marriage (although I'm sure many Orlanthi might say something like that). It is more important to say that they were married and their oath was sacred.

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