Lets go over what Argrath's Saga DOES say about the Good Empire (all of these points are restricted to the paragraph where the Good Empire is explicitly named)
None of these suggest that Phargentes is Emperor or that the "Good Empire" is anything other than a name for the Lunar Empire
Phargentes is also named as King of Dragon Pass between 1677 and 1680. However, as Moirades held that position while being subservient to the Lunar Empire it cannot be evidence that Phargentes is independent, so all this gives us is a date.
As to your suggestion that the conquests of Tarsh at the end of Part 3 and part 4 are the same event, both are to be found in CHDP. If these events are the same then CHDP is equally confused (which is unlikely if it was written for Agrath's wedding shortly after Dwernapple). So I am not sure what your point is here. I can't even find a reasonable alternative that you might have meant.
Nor do we have two formations of the Good Empire. All Part 5 says is that the name was in use in Tarsh at the time - it does not say when the name was first applied.
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