>Moirades wants to set himself up as the Red Goddess's Consort.The big plan
>is to flood Tarsh with >Lunar energies and then repeat the Goddess's
>ascension. Moirades intends to wrap a large piece >of Tarsh's landscape
>around himself, and draw himself up into the sky, producing a new Crater
>and >turning himself into a new satellite of the Red Moon.
>How about having the Red Moon as a satellite of *his* new heavenly body?
[Etc, including Anilla plot...]
All your ideas are also very good. Many thanks. Certainly, all of them are not mutually compatible [or perhaps they are, in a true insane or illuminated mind or regarding "moriadding", the tarshite version of gregging), but really it doesn't matter.
I mean, at this time, I'm not sure about what is the *true* plan of Moirades. But of course, I need a true plan(s) but also a lot of rumours, speculations, misunderstandings, 'urban legends' in the court or in the Spoken Word, etc.
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