Oh yes, but there's insane and there's utterly raving Batshit* insane
>> it's possible he wants more (and there might
>> be some Annilla Initiates wanting a word with him about ideas like
>> that).
>More plot! More plot!
Well what's the point of having a Big Subversive Plot if we can't have at least 2 or 3 of the Lunar agencies supposed to be suppressing that sort of thing falling over each other ? (And more interested in doing each other down than actually foiling the plot).
>> >I wonder? Wrapping bits of landscape up and creating craters is a bit
>> >imitative, isn't it?
>> "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". What better way to
>> show his devotion and worthiness ? And it's a good way of making a
>> big mess of somewhere if he tries it and it goes wrong. Never
>> underestimate the motivational value of an imminent physical
>> catastrophe.
>Good point. So he can try that *as well*.
>> >Now, how many agents does he have on the Sky Ship?
>> If you carry on this line of thought there might even be a good
>> reason for Kallyr to start the fight !
>Only if she knew what he was up to. As it is, she may have done the "right"
>thing for completely the wrong reasons. You know, I rather like that idea. A
>plot that would have defeated the Red Goddess (yeah, OK, with side-effects),
>and Kallyr accidentally stopped it. And never knew.
Well the side effects would be mainly on the heads of Tarshites and other Lunar foreigners so Kallyr isn't likely to regard that as a drawback.
*Crimson Batshit, that is.
-- -- "The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of immortality. More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala Guide to Taoism_ Paul K. ------------------------------
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