> LC:
> > Damn straight. If he is to be a GOD, why not be the HEAD GOD?
> That would involve arguments with Yelm, wouldn't it? (Arguments with Orlanth
> we can take as read).
Yeah, it would.
> LC:
> > That's interesting. But the sky ship just got done.
> "Done" in what sense? Some people may have played through it, others
> haven't, and fitting this into back-story for Moraides is still a
> possibility.
Sorry. I was thinking these were future plans. You're right in that if we are looking over his whole reign and such, there is NO reason not to think he had his own agenda on the SkyShip.
> I pick the Sky Ship because we know that lots of different
> groups were on there, each for their own purposes. In fact, we almost have
> to look at who *wasn't* involved. We know there were Lunars present,
> remember - Kallyr got distracted into beating them up.
> Sorry, don't know the myth well enough to say. But he, too, could have been
> hitching a lift to some interesting bit of sky.
All very true. I like the idea muchly. Many could have been using the ship to try and get access to something else. :)
> > I'm going to assume he doesn't want to become the sun because... well,
> > because.
> Because it's boring?
Yeah. Mostly.
> Only if she knew what he was up to. As it is, she may have done the "right"
> thing for completely the wrong reasons. You know, I rather like that idea. A
> plot that would have defeated the Red Goddess (yeah, OK, with side-effects),
> and Kallyr accidentally stopped it. And never knew.
Now that idea I *love*.
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