>Me>If the events of Holay don't refer to Argrath of Saird.
>If the CHDP was presented to Argrath at his wedding in 1640 then it
>is unlikely that the Argrath credited with winning the battle of
>Dwernapple in 1638 is someone completely different.
I'm not referring to Dwernapple but the events that took place in Holay before the battle of Yoran.
> >then there is the alternative route
> >of a Pass ruled by a Giant who fought alongside Argrath at
> >the battle of Dwernapple.
>Which would be rather an odd way to go from Dragon Pass to Holay -
>especially with a large number of Bison Riders.
Why is it "rather odd"? The description of Gonn Orta's Pass in the Genertela Book states:
"With a handful of unusual denizens he trades here. and decides whether to let inhuman raiders pass onward south, and Praxian raiders to pass north" Genertela Book p91
And Joh Mith can reach Gonn Orta's pass from Dagori Inkarth.
> >I dispute "ripe for the plucking" and I have never suggested Argrath
> >leaves Tarsh alone.
>Since I was replying to Jeff Richard with no reference to your
>claims, I am under no obligation to restrict my reply to arguing
>against your suggestions.
I don't see Jeff arguing anything of the sort and the suggestion of leaving Tarsh alone after Dwernapple does follow from my theory that Tarsh was not reconquered after Dwernapple.
>However since you dispute the idea that Tarsh was ripe for the
>plucking, I have to ask what force is there to prevent it ?
>According to CHDP the Lunar forces in the area were weak at the time
>and after the losses at Dwernapple it is unlikely that they would be
>in a position to defend Tarsh.
That's an interpretation, not an actual statement. The reference is to Saird and the Lunars aren't said to be weak but rather they've disbanded part of their army and sent others elsewhere. What appeared was a scratch force.
Lunar Elites (Right): slaughter the forces of Annstad of Dunstop.
They run away after Gonn Orta and Giants throws strange rocks at them. JarEel runs off with Annstad.
Lunar Hoplites (centre): smashed by trees.
Lunar Left: Sable regiment attacked by Earth Temple Forces
and Eaglebrown Warlocks. Troll forces dissipates after Queen Penelori is captured. Nothing is said of what happens to the Orayans and mercenaries in the description of the battle. From the Grazer section, the others are perhaps the CharUn and Elves who are attacked by the Grazers.
Lunar magicians (in reserve): Cast spell, nothing happens.
Meanwhile Argrath's forces:
Annstad of Dunstop (left): commands forces of
Dragon Pass. Destroyed by Lunar Elites.
Argrath's Bison Army (centre): being destroyed by
Lunar Elites until Giant intervenes.
Estarion of Alda Chur (right): Night jumpers, Grazers.
Eaglebrown Warlocks (reserve): survive. destroy sables.
In any case the outcome looks like the battle of Kadesh (painted as an Egyptian Victory but was more like a draw).
Considering what is known of the forces available to both sides in Dragon Pass, there are still plenty of other troops that could be used to protect Tarsh and other provinces until a proper army can be reconstituted.
--Peter Metcalfe
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